At Reinvent Property Group we are developers in our own right and have a detailed working knowledge of not only Town Planning and Certification requirements but are also licenced and accredited Designers and Builders with the capacity to generate Development Approvals to increase the market value of your investment prior to sale.

Whilst your property might not be subdividable or have increased development capacity in it’s own right, the possibility that can be generated from the potential of a developer being able to simultaneously acquire a neighbouring property could see a vast difference in the market value of your investment.

Zoning, overlay codes and general development conditions and requirements are consistently being amended and altered by your local council so it is always worth while seeking an updated analysis of your property from one of our qualified team members at Reinvent Property Group.

Whether you are thinking of selling in the short, mid-term or long-term, it definitely pays to know your neighbours and seek an understanding of the possibilities surrounding unlocking your property’s full potential.

We understand that, for a myriad or reasons, not all neighbourly circumstances readily allow for open conversations over the fence involving the sale of one’s home.

At Reinvent Property Group we are well versed in broaching the topic with potential stakeholders and arriving at such agreements. Coupled with our knowledge and skillset as developers we are more than happy to reach out to favourable neighbouring lots to investigate increasing the value of not only your asset but theirs as well.